Saturday, September 15, 2012

Mystery Mushroom #2

I found a new mushroom :) I don't really know what it is, it's a ball like one, I would think it was a giant puff ball, only it's not white, not huge. It's small, but maybe if I had left it alone it might have gotten big.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Mystery Mushroom #1

Here is the first mushroom I have collected for all you fine people. It was in the ground, and looks like a beautiful specimen. Any idea what it is?

This is a different one than the others.

 And here it is. Any ideas?

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Cultivation and experiments.

Well today was exciting.
Not only did I get to go out with my dad on a really long hike on one of our farms.
We found possibly 25 species of different mushrooms. :) It was fun, among others, magic mushrooms were there. I assure you, I didn't touch em.

On another note, I started growing oyster mushrooms. They are still a few days old. So in roughly 2-3 weeks I should have something to eat :P
  Here are some pictures of the process!

This is the spawn, mycelium in berries. Looks pretty healthy, and smells like flowers.

Milk carton has 18 holes in it. Ventilation and hopefully mushrooms will grow out of those.

This is my substrate microwaved till it smelled like a dead animal. Stinky! It is made of coffee grounds and corn cob crushed.

Here is all of the stuff, together.

Boiling the germs away!

Here is a beautiful shot of the spawn.

So this is what has been going on. This my friends is what is happening two days after!

That is the spawn/mycelium taking hold of the coffee. Two weeks to go till I start to get pinheads!

Finally this is what I found on the hike. I'll look for more mushrooms to take pictures of. But till then I leave you with this!

Something a long the lines of a Conk... Or that is what the species is called anyways :)